Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War hasn’t even rolled out its first open beta yet, and the game is already faring poorly. Surrounded by controversy and filled with bugs, the developers have released an imbalanced game that is just weeks away from launch. Even for a game currently in beta, the game Cold War is lagging well behind what could be considered satisfactory in terms of performance and popularity.
After the SBMM fiasco, surprising figures come from Twitch that highlights the game’s dismal performance on the streaming platform. It also highlights how popular streamers are least interested in playing the beta. Moreover, without popular streamers playing the game, it isn’t getting much exposure.
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Black Ops Cold War could only climb to the 16th spot in popular Twitch titles
A recent screenshot of the Cold War page uploaded by a Twitter user displays the game’s popularity. During peak Twitch hours, only about 40,000 people were watching streamers play the game. Out of these, more than half the viewers were watching a single stream.
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Moreover, the game managed to climb to only the 16th spot in popular Twitch categories, which is much worse compared to other multiplayer CoD games. Even Modern Warfare and Black Ops had performed better than Cold War in their early days.
Players attribute the poor performance of the game to a variety of reasons. The list is unending. Starting with skill-based matchmaking, the game has other problems such as buffed snipers, imbalanced map sizes, poor graphics, and more.
Yh that’s coz it’s shit, 1) maps to big for 6v6,2), snipers are op as fuck,3) looking down sight people look like ants,4)shoot first die first,5) in the map cartel you can hide in bushes and it covers you,6) graphics are atrocious , 7)footsteps still loud, 8)everyone duck walking
— Trevor Archer (@trevorarcher30) October 9, 2020
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Although Treyarch has claimed that it would constantly roll out updates during beta weekends, there are too many problems to fix. The developers have just a few more weeks before the official launch. If they fail to deliver a balanced and finished game, the figures aren’t going to rise much even after the launch.