
Coming on to the grass season, Jack Draper has become one of the hottest names in the sport right now. The young tennis star, who is now ranked number 28 and the highest-ranked British player is sending shockwaves with his recent title triumph at the Stuttgart Open and looks ready to do wonders at Wimbledon as well. But, what evoked his love for tennis? As things stand, it was his grandmother who has been a pillar in bringing affection for tennis into the family.

But, now that she is suffering from dementia, things are very different for her. Unveiling his thoughts on the same, Jack Draper, in a recent interview with BBC, made an honest confession about his beloved family member.  In the video, Draper came ahead and talked about how tennis started in his family. For this, he credited his grandmother. However, he also revealed that 12 years ago, his grandmother’s battle with dementia began and today she does not recognize anyone. His grandfather also suggested that had she been here mentally, she would have been very happy with Jack’s accomplishments.

“Brenda is the one who introduced the family into tennis. She was a Tennis coach. Her love for the game she really passed on to the next generation. About 12 years ago now, she got diagnosed with dementia and at this point now where we are in time, she does not understand anything, so that is really difficult. My granddaddy always said I wish she would be around mentally to understand what’s going on right now because she would be incredibly proud and excited to be a part of it,” said Jack Draper in the interview.


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With dementia, a person loses his ability to think, remeber, or make any actions. That has even led to his grandmother sadly forgetting who Jack even is.

Jack Draper’s grandmother does not recognise who the 22-year-old is

In another interview a few days ago, Jack Draper talked about how it is really sad for him to know that his grandmother does not recognize him anymore. While Jack’s father brings her to the national tennis center to enjoy some tennis action, she does not relate with who Jack is, despite his father’s attempts to tell her about him.


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“My Pa, who is Nana’s main carer, still brings her to the National Tennis Centre in Roehampton to watch me train but she doesn’t know who I am, and if my tennis matches are on TV, he will tell Nana it’s me but it doesn’t register with her anymore. She doesn’t know who anyone is,” said Jack in the interview.


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“This is probably the saddest part for me and my family, that she no longer recognises or is able to communicate with us. I wish she could see and appreciate all the things I’ve achieved so far as I know she would be very proud of me,” he further added.

Thus, Jack Draper’s grandmother, who has been a torch bearer when it comes to introducing tennis into the Draper family is now not in the condition to celebrate his triumphs. While this is something that not only Jack but the whole family misses, he wished that she could have seen some of his achievements.