The acclaimed HBO drama series, Succession, continues to captivate viewers. The series delves into a complex narrative rife with intrigue and power struggles within a wealthy family. At the center of this story lies Kendall Roy, played by the actor Jeremy Strong. His ambitious yet flawed character arc strikingly echoes the early playing days of Roger Federer. Through both Kendall and Federer’s struggle to gain respect and recognition, an intriguing parallel can be drawn between the two men.
Roger Federer makes a small yet stark appearance in fan-favorite HBO show, Succession
As reported by Prospect, in several interviews, creator Jesse Armstrong has drawn an interesting comparison between Roy and a young Roger Federer. Armstrong described Roy’s character as someone who possesses all the skills required to succeed but struggles to apply them consistently. As the show progresses, viewers soon witness a transformative shift in Kendall, reminiscent of Federer’s breakthrough in 2003.
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The young Swiss tennis master showed immense potential but stumbled in his execution during his early years on the tour. Just as Federer struggled to capitalize on his talent, Roy also faced similar challenges. It is this similarity that resonates with fans of both Succession and the ‘Swiss Maestro’. It draws an interesting parallel between the fictional billionaire and the real-life tennis star.
Adding another dimension to the connection between Kendall and Federer, the Succession storyline reveals that Kendall is an avid Federer fan. In one scene, viewers can see a Federer portrait in Roy’s office.
Remember when Jesse Armstrong compared Kendall Roy to early career Roger Federer in a succession podcast episode (that was very funny to me).
— DV (@dharvihello) May 28, 2023
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A fan had tweeted, “Also, Kendall Roy is canonically a Federer fan, lol. Jesse Armstrong did this specifically for me!!”
This detail speaks volumes to the intricate storytelling of the series. It further enhances the connection between the two characters, which has boggled the minds of viewers everywhere.
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Federer’s charm and presence continue to captivate audiences both on and off the tennis court. What do you think about the surprising Federer detail in ‘Succession’? Share your views in the comments below.
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