
There is hardly anything that Roger Federer cannot do, isn’t it? Be it dominating his opponents on the court or excelling in his business adventures, the Swiss maestro remains a jack of all trades. Following his retirement from tennis in 2022, Federer has ensured to spend quality time with his family. Like the minor adjustments parents make for their children, the case is no different for Federer, ensuring to assist his kids’ linguistic skills.

A few years ago, Federer’s biography was released, named Roger Federer: Phenomenon. Enthusiast. Philanthropist. The biographer Simon Graf spent time with Federer and gained valuable insights into his family. One such thing was Federer’s interaction with his children.

The Swiss maestro is the father to two sets of twins, two girls, and two boys. While the girls speak Swiss German, his boys are well-adapted to English. As a result, the Swiss maestro has to change his language while conversing with them.


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Federer’s biographer unearthed this fact on his official Twitter handle, saying, “Oh, how the children have grown up! It’s funny how Roger speaks both Swiss German and English with his kids. Swiss German with Myla and Charlene, English with the boys, mostly. The boys speak with an English accent (as far as I can tell…).”

Meanwhile, Roger Federer is also facing a similar problem faced by millions of parents worldwide. With the digital world and technology taking over a kid’s childhood, the Swiss maestro prepares to unveil an enormous battle against it as he faces the same problem with his children.


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Roger Federer left concerned with the digitally driven childhood

With the wider adoption of technology, screen time has increased drastically and even small children are getting exposed to it. However, this can have a drastic effect on a kid’s childhood. As a result, Roger Federer advised caution while giving a solution for it.

He said, “I think that by creating a [digitally-driven world], you have to talk to [your children]. You have to talk not only to your children but also to your parents, to your teachers, to everyone, because it’s true. The screen and all that is so extreme.” 


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Asked if he had reached this stage with his children, Federer mentioned, “No, it’s a big battle every day. I think that going out in nature or playing a sport, it’s the most important. If you think about last week, maybe what gave you the most pleasure, it’s usually nature, or sport, or your friends, but rarely the screen.”

While technology is important, drastic overuse of it can lead to many side-effects in children. As a result, many experts have called for a balanced use of it, especially in the case of children.