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Oelsnitz – PKW kollidiert mit Zug: Fahrer verstirbt 05.01.2023 gegen 16:45 Uhr Oelsnitz/ Erzgebirge, Innere Neuwieser Straße Fotograf: LausitzNews.de/Andrà März Heftiger Crash am Donnerstagnachmittag im Erzgebirge. Gegen 16:45 Uhr kollidierte ein Zug der Citybahn RB92, die von Glauchau kommend in Richtung Stollberg unterwegs war, mit einem auf dem Bahnübergang befindlichen PKW Opel. Trotz Gefahrenbremsung konnte der Zugführer eine Kollision mit dem PKW nicht mehr verhindern. Die Citybahn kollidierte mit dem Opel und schob ihn circa 50 Meter weiter, bevor der Zug zum Stehen kam. Umgehend eilten Rettungsdienst, Notarzt, Landes -und Bundespolizei sowie die Feuerwehren Neuwürschnitz, Oelsnitz sowie der diensthabende Kreisbrandmeister zu Copyright: xLausitzNews.de/Andrà xMärzx

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Oelsnitz – PKW kollidiert mit Zug: Fahrer verstirbt 05.01.2023 gegen 16:45 Uhr Oelsnitz/ Erzgebirge, Innere Neuwieser Straße Fotograf: LausitzNews.de/Andrà März Heftiger Crash am Donnerstagnachmittag im Erzgebirge. Gegen 16:45 Uhr kollidierte ein Zug der Citybahn RB92, die von Glauchau kommend in Richtung Stollberg unterwegs war, mit einem auf dem Bahnübergang befindlichen PKW Opel. Trotz Gefahrenbremsung konnte der Zugführer eine Kollision mit dem PKW nicht mehr verhindern. Die Citybahn kollidierte mit dem Opel und schob ihn circa 50 Meter weiter, bevor der Zug zum Stehen kam. Umgehend eilten Rettungsdienst, Notarzt, Landes -und Bundespolizei sowie die Feuerwehren Neuwürschnitz, Oelsnitz sowie der diensthabende Kreisbrandmeister zu Copyright: xLausitzNews.de/Andrà xMärzx
With increasing promotion from tennis authorities and the interest of famous players like Novak Djokovic, wheelchair tennis has come into the limelight. And though the sport is not very popular, it expands the scope of the sport and promotes inclusivity. However, recently a disheartening news came into being from the world of wheelchair tennis. Pelayo Novo, a Spanish wheelchair tennis player, has unfortunately passed away after an accident.
Wheelchair tennis is a recourse for several sports enthusiasts who gave up on their dreams because of a mishap. The ex-Spanish soccer player and wheelchair tennis player has bid farewell to the world and people are mourning his loss. A source of inspiration for a lot of people passed away after tragically being hit by a train. He was only 32 and played soccer before making a switch to wheelchair tennis following a fall from the third floor.
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Wheelchair tennis bids farewell to Pelayo Novo after his sad demise
The Spanish player fell down his team’s hotel building in 2018 and while he was in the hospital during his recovery, his ambitious spirit won hearts. Instead of giving up, Novo worked hard and plied his trade in wheelchair tennis.

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Spain – La Liga B 123 _ 2016-2017 / ( Elche C.F. ) – Pelayo Novo Garcia Soccer, Football, Calcio, Spain – La Liga 123 _ 2016-2017 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: xBpax
Moreover, his lively and energizing spirit made him an ambassador for professional and aspiring disabled athletes in Spain. Not just that, he also became a member of the board of directors of the Asturian Tennis Federation. Most recently, people saw him playing at Open de Catalunya.
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The man was such an inspiring figure that after his accident earlier he did not lose hope. He said, “The human being adapts to the circumstances that he has. It is logical that it takes time because there are times when it is bad.” But with a resilient mindset, he overcame that. Conclusively, he said, “I managed to get out of that and now I am having a great time.”
Novo’s former soccer clubs released statements after learning of his tragic passing. Real Oviedo posted a message that read, “With a broken heart. We deeply regret the death of Pelayo Novo, captain of our Foundation. Family, friends: we are with you. Rest in peace Pelayo.” Cordoba CF followed suit and released a statement offering condolences to Novo’s family.
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WATCH THIS STORY: Serena Williams pays tribute to Roger Federer.
The man might have gone, but his words and legacy will become a source of inspiration for millions of people around the world.