The ATP has always been very active on Twitter posting many interesting things related to tennis. But sometimes they post things that hurt a lot of people and that is what happened over the weekend.
Over the weekend, the ATP retweeted a video that made a lot of people upset and for good reason. This video contained offensive language against the LGBTQ+ community. And in this day and age, nobody will appreciate that.
Seeing so many people hurt by this retweet, the ATP deleted it. And in addition to this, they also issued an apology. Check it out.
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ATP Apologizes
A while after they deleted the tweet, the ATP apologized for posting the tweet in the first place. In their apology on Twitter they wrote,
“We would like to apologize for an ill-judged retweet over the weekend, which contained offensive language to the LGBTQ+ community and was subsequently deleted. Such language has no place in today’s society or the inclusive environment that we strive for in our sport.”
Many people will be glad to see that they realized they’re mistake but why did they do it in the first place? the answer is probably related to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there is absolutely no tennis going one. This means the ATP has very little content to post on Twitter. Despite this situation, they have been trying to post regularly and in the process, they retweeted the wrong thing.
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They will definitely avoid this mistake by being more careful but there is probably a better way – restarting tennis. This way, they will have a lot of good content to post on Twitter and every tennis fan in the world will be very happy.
Whether there will be fans present when the matches are being played is their decision. But hopefully, they will resume the 2020 tennis season soon and we will be able to see our favorite players like Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer playing again.