
We have all experienced real-life objects turn into gaming material, but seldom the other way round. No, we are not talking about action figures or weapon replicas. An actual game from Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla called ‘Orlog’ is set to become a reality soon.

Orlog is a mini-game played with beans, bowls and dices. Dicebreaker spoke to Ubisoft about this venture and learned that the studio is going to partner with pop culture collectibles producer, PureArts. Together they are going to release the physical version of the board game.

While there is evidence that Vikings enjoyed playing board games, there is none that suggests one like Orlog. Ubisoft specifically developed this board game for Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. The development team had failed to research a board game that had existed during the time. Therefore, they created one “that would be ‘credible’ rather than historically accurate.”


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Orlog is the favorite pastime of the NPCs in the game. Eivor, the Norse raider protagonist in the game, engages in the board game many a time. Players have come to love the simple yet fun game which takes them beyond the treacherous objectives of Valhalla. The open-world video game offers a ground reality to rest and ponder upon before moving on with Orlog.

Ubisoft has seized the perfect opportunity to grow upon the fictional game’s popularity. According to Dicebreaker, the physical version is set to release in 2021.

Read more-How Does Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Work on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S?

How to play Orlog in Assassin’s Creed?


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The objective of the game is simple. Players have to deplete their opponent’s life pool to null before the same happens to them. The life pools are depicted by “rows of smooth stones“. Here is a detailed account of the rules of the game for better understanding.

Players take turns tossing a collection of six dice decorated with an axe, arrow, shield, helm or gauntleted hand. These correspond to the main actions you take against your opponent, respectively: melee attacks, ranged attacks, ranged block, melee block or steal resource.


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“On each of three throws, you may choose to hold back the results of your roll and retoss the rest. Players alternate, giving each a chance to react or change their strategy.

Once this project is complete, players can feel the Viking pride of winning in every aspect by championing over their opponents. Pair the game with a jar of ale in candlelight, and you might as well have traveled back in time.