The Season 6 update for Apex Legends is now live and it brings a lot of changes to the game. The highly anticipated season finally brings a crafting system to the BR, which is something to look forward to. We also have a new energy-based ‘Volt SMG’ that is now available. And then comes the cherry on top, the new Legend Rampart.
Apex is undergoing an extreme makeover with this update here we take a look at the patch notes for the same.
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Apex Legends Season 6 Patch Notes
First up are map changes. A lot has changed in World’s Edge, specifically at the Drill Site, Staging, and the Launch Site. You can read more about it here.
Introducing Ramya Parekh a.k.a Rampart
Up next is Rampart, the latest addition to the list of Legends in the Apex Games. She is an expert modder and comes with a crazy persona. Along with her minigun, which she calls ‘Sheila’, she is ready to take on anyone who tries to stop her. You can read more about her abilities and back story over here.
We also recently learned about the new ‘holosprays’ coming to the battle pass for Season 6.
Now, let’s take a look at other major changes made to the game.
Apex Legends Crafting System
We all know the RnG gods are not always in your favor. With Season 6 we are introducing a crafting system. Find materials throughout the map via loot bins or material stations, then take these to a Replicator.
In the Replicator, you’ll find eight different pieces of loot that you can craft if you have enough materials. Some of this loot rotates on a weekly or daily basis, but you’ll always be able to see what’s currently craftable in the game mode selector or the map screen.
Armor Meta
With Season 6, we’re introducing some big changes to the way armor works in the game. First off, all armor in the game is Evo Armor (except the Gold Armor). When you find a white, blue, or purple armor on the ground, it’s a pre-leveled Evo Armor. It can be picked up like normal, and continue to be evolved. Red Armor is not in the ground loot and can only be achieved through evolving. Gold Armor is not part of the Evo Armor track and is only found in rare locations as usual.
Another interesting change is that players spawn with level 0 Evo Armor. If you get in gunfights right away and do enough damage, you will automatically level up into a White Armor. And you can continue to take that all the way to Red. We think this will really help with loot availability in the early game, without requiring players to drop hot when they don’t want to. With all the changes in Season 6, players now have the opportunity to level up their shields through damage, luck in ground loot, or through crafting!
The last big difference is that all Armor is coming down by 25 health. This means players with Purple and Gold Armor have 175 health, not 200. Red Armor gets you to 200 health, and you can no longer get to 225. Our goal for this is to bring down the TTK (time to kill) a bit in order to better reward strategic positioning.
New Damage Requirements:
Damage to white: 50
Blue armor damage: 125
Damage to purple: 250
Red armor damage: 500
This patch, we’re taking a look at the recon class. A class built around information gathering should be powerful in a BR where knowing where the enemy is is often the difference between life and death, but out of the three Legends in the recon class (Pathfinder, Crypto, and Bloodhound), one dominates in terms of in-game performance. (It’s the robot. The robot dominates.)
In this patch, we’re mostly buffing Bloodhound as they needed the help the most. Crypto’s changes are a mixed bag as we also found one bug we had to fix that was giving Crypto a hidden advantage (TLDR: sometimes when you thought you were hitting the drone, you weren’t really hitting the drone). Between the buffs to Bloodhound’s ult and the new utility Crypto gains on his drone, we hope to see a more diverse field of recon legends in game.
Apart from the Recon Class, legends Revenant, Octane, Loba, Gibraltar, Bangalore, Wraith, and Wattson also get a few nerfs and buffs of their own. There are also a lot of Weapon Updates that you can take a look at below:

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Moreover, Season 6 makes a lot of changes to the looting system, weapons and gets rid of some pesky bugs. You can read all about it here.
Season 6 promises to pack a punch with all these updates. We’ll also finally find out more about this season’s questline following the events of ‘The Broken Ghost’. And lastly, there is the mystery of Olympus and Crypto’s sister informing him of a Syndicate agent inside Apex Games. All our questions will soon be answered as the season progresses.