Apex Legends has always stood out for its high-octane and adrenaline-pumping gameplay. The gameplay is exceptionally dynamic yet fun at the same time, providing an immersive experience. To maintain the benchmark, Respawn introduces a new legend with the inception of each new season. Currently, in Season 5, there are 13 legends in the combat roster, each unique from the other and influencing the gameplay differently.
To keep the game balanced, the developers hand out nerfs or buffs to the legends based on specific stats. Respawn utilizes stats such as pick rate, win rate, and overall performance of each legend to incorporate the necessary adjustments. The Gaming Merchant, in his latest YouTube video, showed us the Season 5 pick rates for all the legends and discussed what these stats could mean moving forward. He obtained the insightful stats from the DreamTeam website.
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Apex Legends Season 5 pick rates
Before we begin, these stats keeping changing on a daily/weekly basis, and we are only considering the pick rates on PC for this one. Wraith tops the list with 32.02%, followed by Pathfinder in the second spot with 11.35%. Lifeline wraps up the top three with a 7.95% pick rate.
Caustic (7.44%), Octane (6.35%), Loba (5.72%), Bangalore (5.56%), Bloodhound (5.15%), Wattson (5.00%) and Gibraltar (4.15%) feature in the middle ranks and that constitutes the top 10. Rounding up the bottom three, we have Revenant at 3.25%, Mirage at 3.23% and Crypto at 2.82%
Compared to the stats before the launch of Season 5, Pathfinder has taken the most hit. He has dropped more than 10% pick rate, due to the nerf to his grappling abilities. Despite the nerfs, Pathfinder still maintains the second spot, highlighting the adjustments made have indeed balanced him out.

Caustic has made a significant ascent with the tweaks made at the start of the new season. He has almost doubled his pick rate from an average of around 4% last season.

Mirage also made significant improvements to his ratings with the buffs he received. The trickster peaked at above 7% at the start of Season 5. However, since then, he has once again fallen through the ranks, gradually. But, his current pick rate is still more than double the less than 2% from last season.

It is still early days to get an accurate representation of Loba’s stats, considering it’s only been a month since she joined the roster. But, upwards of 5% is still a good rating, nevertheless. Apart from that, the top 3, the middle ranks, and the bottom 3 remain more or less unchanged.
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What could the pick rates mean for the future?
Wraith has single-handedly dominated the charts for quite some time now. A pick rate upwards of 30% indicates she alone has played 1/3rd of all the matches recorded for the metrics. On the other hand, despite the balancing act, Pathfinder has maintained the second spot comfortably. So, Wraith mains, don’t be too surprised if you see your favorite legend receive a slight nerf in the near future.

Meanwhile, fans of the combat medic have been requesting for a buff. But, Lifeline holding onto the third spot, outlines that she still remains one of the most popular picks and well-balanced legends. Similarly, the legends in the middle of the list also seem to be quite balanced, judging by the consistent numbers. Those legends could most likely undergo sidegrade adjustments, instead of nerfs or buffs.
While the hype Mirage experienced at the start of Season 5 seems to have faded out, Gibraltar isn’t a popular pick considering his big character model leading to large hitboxes. It could imply that neither of these two legends would receive a nerf or a buff, maybe some small adjustments in the future. On the other hand, Revenant and Crypto, the two legends languishing at the bottom, could experience some significant buffs in the future.

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The picks differ from person to person, according to their style of gameplay. While some features of the legends appeal to everyone, some simply don’t. Ultimately it is up to Respawn to incorporate adjustments and changes into the game. Handing out nerfs, buffs, or tweaks is a decision for the devs, depending on the analytics they deem suitable.
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The Gaming Merchant has discussed in detail the working principle behind the pick rates, alongside what it could mean for each legend in the coming time. Those interested can check out his video linked above.
Which legend do you pick the most, and which ones do you think should receive nerfs or buffs? Let us know below!