
The Apex Legends Season 6 comes out tomorrow but we already know most of the changes/additions coming our way. Fans may argue that the game is dying but EA has managed to bring something new to the table every season. Season 6 will see a lot of map changes along with the introduction of a crafting system. However, the most anticipated addition is the new Legend Rampart.

Rampart will now be available as the 14 playable Legend, giving players quite a few options to choose from. Take a look at the video below to understand more about her.


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Crazy, right? Rampart’s character gives off that young-gun energy and why wouldn’t it? She’s just 21 years old according to the official website. Her official description paints an exciting picture.

“Rampart is a blue-collar, private business owner who just needs a big gun and a backpack full of scrap metal to get by in the dangerous, wild west world of the Outlands. Before opening her popular modding shop on Gaea, Ramya Parekh (Rampart for short) made a name for herself in the underground gauntlet circuit.

“Parekh climbed to the top showcasing pure skill using her custom-modded gear. She began taking jobs from smugglers, Syndicate members, and everyone in between. Some say it ain’t great unless it’s got “Rampart” written on it.”


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Rampart’s abilities in Apex Legends

Rampart’s real name is ‘Ramya Parekh’ and she hails from Gaea. Her motto,  “turn crap into gold”, definitely suits her considering she is an expert modder. Her abilities, however, are certain to divide opinions.

Rampart’s tactical ability allows her to deploy a cover wall. This blocks incoming shots and also amps up the outgoing shots. Next, her passive ability allows her to have a bigger mag capacity and quick reloading times for LMGs and the Minigun. And lastly, her ultimate ability deploys as minigun called ‘Sheila’ that can be used by anyone.

With Rampart in the team, you can easily just hold a position from higher ground and obliterate anyone who tries to approach or stop you.


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People are already saying this legend will need nerfing. We’ll just have to wait until we get to play her before we can agree.

The new season promises a lot of interesting changes. Hopefully, we’ll also find out who was working for the Syndicate, as mentioned by Crypto’s sister. There are a lot of unanswered questions still, and we hope to get to the bottom of it all soon.