
The Nook phone in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is an important feature of the game, as it lets players access a range of features that make it easy and convenient to complete objectives. And now, fans of the game can emulate the Nook phone in real life using their iPhones.

Thanks to a recent iPhone update, iOS 14, the Nook phone is more of a reality than ever. A Twitter user has made it possible to customize the iPhone and supplement it with widgets and apps that will make it look exactly like a Nook phone!


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Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Getting your own Nook phone

Animal Crossing players get the Nook phone in the game to send messages, earn rewards, and do much more. A Twitter user ‘okpng’ has created a set of icons and wallpapers that lets the players customize their real-life phones to replicate the Nook phone.

Get your hands on the image pack

The image pack is only compatible with iOS 14, so users will have to update their phones first. Once the images are downloaded, they have to be unzipped. These will then be available in the files section and can be saved to the camera roll.

The next step is to visit the shortcuts section that will enable you to follow button prompts. This, in turn, will let players replace the icons they want with the ones on the Nook phone.


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Setting a wallpaper

The users can also set an Animal Crossing themed wallpaper, which will be part of the downloaded image pack. The players just need to visit the wallpaper section in settings and choose an image they think best represents the game.


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This goes on to show how Animal Crossing is much more than just a game. It has managed to break the virtual barrier and become an integral part of the gaming community’s life.

Unsurprisingly, people from all walks of life have found solace in Animal Crossing, especially during the pandemic that has compelled us to value the finer things in life. Moreover, it is a title that keeps on surprising the players with the number of things it can and has managed to achieve.