
Animal Crossing: New Horizons operates in real-time and incorporates natural phenomena such as seasons and weather changes. One of the primary reasons for the social situation game’s immense popularity is its range of features that resemble actual life. Catching bugs and fish or diving in the ocean are some of the game’s most pleasurable aspects.

As we head into November, some monthly changes are about to occur in New Horizons. Islands in the northern hemisphere are transitioning into Fall, while southern hemisphere islanders are experiencing the pleasant Spring months.

As the game cycles new fishes, bugs, and sea creatures in or out every month, an assortment of critters will depart the islands after October. Some departing creatures will disappear until next year. Players might consider catching as many as they can before October ends.


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However, that also means a new batch of critters will show up on the islands in November, depending on the hemisphere. Players are advised to keep their fishing rods, bug nets, and diving gear handy as they have quite a range to add to their collection in the coming days. Animal Crossing islands in both the hemispheres have a fairly equal amount of new critter arrivals headed their way.

We list all the new critters available in both hemispheres during November in Animal Crossing: New Horizons below. Catching fish, bugs, and sea creatures will enable players to complete the Museum exhibits, and they can also unlock DIY recipes.

List of new Animal Crossing: New Horizons critters in the Northern Hemisphere during November

The following 5 fish are coming to the Northern Hemisphere islands at the start of November:

NameLocationShadow sizeTimePrice
BlowfishSeaMedium-small9pm – 4am5,000
Blue marlinPierHugeAll-day10,000
Football fishSeaMedium-large4pm – 9am2,500

The following 3 bugs are coming to the Northern Hemisphere islands at the start of November:

Mole cricketUndergroundAll-day500
TarantulaOn the ground7pm – 4am8,000

The following 5 deep-sea creatures are coming to the Northern Hemisphere islands at the start of November:

NameShadow sizeSwimming patternTimePrice
Dungeness CrabMediumModerate consistent movementAll-day1,900
Red King CrabLargeQuickAll-day8,000
Sea CucumberMediumSlow consistent movementAll-day500
Sea PigMediumFast4pm-9am10,000
Snow CrabLargeFastAll-day6,000

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List of new critters in the Southern Hemisphere during November

The following 8 fish are coming to the Southern Hemisphere islands at the start of November:

NameLocationShadow sizeTimePrice
CatfishPondMedium-large4pm – 9am800
Nibble fishRiverTiny9am – 4pm1,500
AngelfishRiverSmall4pm – 9am3,000
BettaRiverSmall9am – 4pm2,500
RainbowfishRiverTiny9am – 4pm800
Giant trevallyPierLargeAll-day4,500


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The following 8 bugs are coming to the Southern Hemisphere islands at the start of November:

Great purple emperorFlying4am – 7pm3,000
Queen Alexandra’s birdwingFlying8am – 4pm4,000
Banded dragonflyFlying8am – 5pm4,500
PondskaterOn fresh water8am – 7pm130
Diving beetleOn fresh water8am – 7pm800
Violin beetleOn tree stumpsAll-day450
Rosalia batesi beetleOn tree stumpsAll-day3,000
ScorpionOn the ground7pm – 4am8,000

The following 8 deep-sea creatures are coming to the Southern Hemisphere islands at the start of November:


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NameShadow sizeSwimming patternTimePrice
Gigas giant clamHugeVery fastAll-day15,000
Sea UrchinSmallSlow consistent movementAll-day1,700
Slate Pencil UrchinSmallMedium consistent movement4pm-9am2,000
Spotted Garden EelMediumSlow consistent movement4am-9pm1,100
Vampire SquidLargeQuick4pm-9am10,000

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