For a superstar to switch from one wrestling company to another, differences are easily noticeable. Whether it’s Vince McMahon, Tony Khan, Billy Corgan, or any other wrestling promoter in the world. Every company had it’s own way of functioning, and Paul Wight explains the difference between AEW and WWE.
Paul Wight explains the difference between Tony Khan and Vince McMahon
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Paul Wight worked with Vince McMahon for twenty years. The Big Show became a WWE legend and is a legendary figure in the wrestling business. However, his days in the WWE ended rather sadly, and he came to AEW.
Now Paul is a commentator on AEW’s brand new show Dark: Elevation and will soon make an in-ring appearance. He seems very happy in his new environment, largely thanks to the change in management. On Miro‘s YouTube channel, Paul Wight explains how WWE and Vince McMahon differ from Tony Khan and AEW.

“It’s funny ’cause I talked to Jericho a little bit about it because Jericho and I have been a lot of places together and been through a lot of different organisations, and when I got to AEW, I kept waiting for that pressure to drop.”
“The weight that you carry when you’re working elsewhere, and the shoe’s not going to drop. Everybody is supportive. Like, the boss actually thanks you for your time and thanks you for your effort, and truly wants your opinion and your ideas.”
“It’s a different atmosphere altogether, because I mean, we’ve worked some days at AEW that I would’ve flipped by frigging biscuit if I worked those days somewhere else. You know what I mean, like you get there too and you’re leaving at quarter to four in the morning. You know, but you’re leaving happy because you know had fun at work.”
Who does Paul want to face in AEW?
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Despite there being no sign that Paul Wight will return to the ring, the former World Champion has listed a few men he wants to face in AEW.
First up in the TNT Champion Darby Allin. Paul thinks the size and weight difference would create a great dynamic and they’d put on a fantastic match. Darby Allin’s one superstar who’s caught the eye of the giant.
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While facing Kenny Omega is obviously on his list, Wight also wants to face the big men in AEW. From guys like Lance Archer and Brian Cage to Wardlow to Powerhouse Hobbs, the big men of AEW are in the sight of the biggest man in wrestling.
Read more: Is Vince McMahon’s Preference of Buff Wrestlers a Myth or Reality?