
On this week’s Dynamite, AEW continued with some exciting matches and segments. Let’s take a look at the full match results from Wednesday night’s show –

Hangman Page & Dark Order defeated Hybrid2 & Chaos Project

Before the match started, we saw the birthday celebration of Brodie Lee junior. However, the Chaos Project decided to crash and ruin it.


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To begin the match, John Silver beat up both Evans and Angelico. Soon, Serpentico joined in and dominated Silver, who tagged Page.

Hangman cleared the ring and clotheslined all his opponents. A brawl broke out, and the Dark Order attacked. Taking advantage of the commotion, Page power bombed Evans into the crowd.

Brodie Lee junior hit Luther with a kendo stick and Cabana face slammed him into the cake. Back in the ring, Page hit the buckshot lariat, and Reynolds followed it up with the jackknife pin on Serpentico.

Cody Rhodes defeated Peter Avalon

Early on, Cody boasted about how he will win the match in one minute. However, Jade Cargill interrupted the match and taking advantage of that, Avalon hit a low blow.

Avalon kept attacking Rhodes’ knees. Both men ended up on the ringside after a huge suplex from the top rope. Back in the ring, Avalon tried to connect with a moonsault, but Rhodes dodged at the last minute.

After a while, Cody took control with a Cutter and followed it up with a Figure-Four Lock. After some resistance, Avalon tapped out.

Jon Moxley defeated Nick Comoroto

The former AEW World Champion won this glorified squash match. Comoroto tried his best to dominate Moxley for the first half of the match with repeated offenses.

However, Moxley bit into his opponent’s face and followed it up with a forearm. Comoroto ran into the corner, and Moxley worked on his chest. To finish things off, Moxley locked him in a sleeper hold and won the match.

Private Party and Matt Hardy defeated Top Flight and Matt Sydal

The match started with a plethora of dropkicks before Sydal and Top Flight got the advantage with double Boston Crabs. Sydal hit a double hurricanrana with some help from Darius.

Matt Hardy tried the Twist of Fate but got sent to the floor and barricade. Darius tagged in, followed by Hardy. There was a triple cover of him, but with no result.

A misunderstanding broke out between the teams. Taking advantage of it, Kassidy hit a chair at Dante. Quen got the win after a shooting star press.

Penelope Ford defeated Layla Hirsch

With Miro and Kip Sabian at the ringside, Ford had the advantage for the most part in the match. With their assistance, Ford sent Layla to the barricade.

Hirsch tried to get an opening with the clothesline, but it was too late. She took out Sabian and Chuck Taylor, but Ford hit her with a pump kick. Sabian held Hirsch’s boots as Ford got the pin.

Chris Jericho and MJF defeated Santana and Ortiz vs. Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara

The main event was a battle to earn legitimacy as the ‘official’ tag team of the Inner Circle. Anyone could tag anyone and there was no disqualification.

Sammy and Jericho started things off before others joined in on the action. Jericho tagged Ortiz for help but he and Santana dominated their ‘leader’ in return.


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Jericho took on the rest of the Inner Circle as MJF watched on from the ringside. After he got tagged, Hager dominated him. Chaos broke out in the ring.

There were a few near falls, including one from Jericho’s Lionsault and Codebreaker. Hager and Sammy hit two top rope moves, but Ortiz broke their pins.

Jericho sent Hager flying outside the ring and Sammy hurt his knees. MJF got the victory after a quick roll up on Sammy.


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Hence, Jericho and MJF earned the right to face the AEW tag team champions.

What did you think of AEW Dynamite this Wednesday? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.