Renowned actor Mark Wahlberg has recently stunned netizens with his latest pictures. The actor and former rapper have multiple feathers in his cap. They include the BAFTA award, multiple Golden Globes, and Academy Award nominations. Wahlberg, who hails from Boston has posted jaw-dropping images on his Instagram, showing off a ripped physique at 51.
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The actor is known for critically acclaimed movies like The Departed. He might be gearing up for a new action movie and his fans are left guessing after he unveiled his abs. Wahlberg. He recently co-founded Performance Inspired Nutrition, a line of supplements for fitness enthusiasts, and has been actively promoting the same on his social media.
Mark Wahlberg inspires fans alongside his buddy who can ‘handle it’
Wahlberg’s video to promote his health products featured his training buddy. The actor can be seen punching his torso as he writes in his post, ‘Nobody was hurt making this video.’ Tom Dowd, donning a Performance Inspired Nutrition t-shirt acknowledged by sharing the clip on his own IG. “Luckily I can take a punch,” he said.
Fans jokingly wrote “You’re brave lol” as they witnessed the actor punching him in his gut. Mark’s fans also applauded his efforts. “Killin it my man!” wrote one of them, as another resonated with the statement by writing “bro’s ripped like his in his 20s” Although, perhaps there is more to it than just a publicity stunt.
What might the actor be getting ready for?
The actor was recently spotted with his family at a beach where he flaunted his bulky biceps and washboard abs. After images of his impressive muscles surfaced on the internet, his fans worldwide were left wondering what might the actor be getting ready for.
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Mark Wahlberg has previously starred in action movies like The Rise of the Planet of the Apes, The Italian Job, Transformers, and Max Payne. Apart from his venture into comedy movies like Ted, Date Night, and Daddy’s Home. Fans are left wondering if Wahlberg might be getting in shape for another blockbuster set to film next year.
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Mark’s upcoming movies and series’ include Uncharted 2 alongside Tom Holland of Marvel’s Spiderman fame. He is also set to star opposite Halle Berry the much-awaited Our Man From Jersey.